Standard control statements

This section discusses details about specific control statements. Topics include:

Control statement introduction (general syntax)

Many programs will share the same type of control statements; however, the data entered on them may vary between programs. This section briefly describes the common format of statements that are used in many of the CUBE Voyager programs. All statements follow the format that the statement type is identified by the first word that appears on it. Usually, the first word is the ControlWord. However, in some cases it is more expedient (and/or convenient) for the user to start the statement with one of the special keywords that is acceptable for that type of statement.

Those keywords (termed “trigger” keywords) are identified in their respective program detailed descriptions. The general format for describing Control Statements in this document is:


Key1 Key1 Key1 (Key2 Key2 (Key3 Key3) ) Key1 (Key2) …

ControlWord is the statement type and must be the first keyword on each statement, unless the statement contains "trigger" keys, and the first keyword is a trigger keyword followed by an equals sign. See the keyword description below for details about trigger keys, denoted by K within the |…|.

  • Key1 - A keyword that must be followed by an equals sign and appropriate value(s).

  • Key2 - A keyword that is valid only if it follows the values for its Key1, an equal level Key2, or any key3 or key4 (for the same Key1).

  • Key3 - A keyword that is valid only if it follows the values for its Key2, an equal level Key3, or a key4 (for the same Key2).

The parenthesis () are used only to indicate the key level; they are not coded on the statement. A keyword must always be followed by an equals sign and appropriate value(s).

The following example illustrates the hierarchy of control statement description:



This description indicates that AAA, BBB, EEE, and FFF are all valid keywords. They must be followed directly by an equals sign and the associated values, and may appear any place a keyword is allowed. CCC and DDD are valid level 2 keywords, and may appear only following the values for either BBB, CCC, or DDD. GGG may follow the values for FFF, GGG, HHH, III, JJJ, and KKK. HHH and III are level 3 keywords, and may appear only following the values for GGG, HHH, or III. KKK is also a level 3 keyword and may appear only after the values for JJJ or KKK.

  • AAA=3 BBB=5 DDD=2 EEE=25,FFF=Y - Valid

  • AAA=3 DDD=2 BBB=5 - Invalid: DDD must follow BBB or CCC

  • KKK=27 - Invalid: KKK must follow JJJ

  • FFF=Y HHH=5 - Invalid: HHH must follow GGG

  • BBB=5 CCC=6 DDD=7 CCC=8 BBB=9 - Valid


COMP statements are used to dynamically assign values to variables and/or matrices. COMP statements contains one, or more, keywords with associated numerical and/or character expressions. Each expression results in a number or a character string; its mode is usually determined by the first term in the expression. If the first term is a number, or numeric variable, it is a numeric expression, or if the first term is a character function or literal character string (beginning with a quote), it is a character expression. Every term within the expression must be known to the expression at the time the COMP statement is to be compiled. Often a variable is defined by its presence as a keyword in another COMP statement. If there are multiple expressions on a COMP statement, they are solved in left to right order.

K = j + 2    ; defines K as a numeric variable.
name='     ' ; declares name as a variable that is 4 characters long.
namx=substr(name,1,3)+'abcde'+str(k,4,1) ; declares namx as a character
variable that is 12 characters long.

All numeric variables that are declared by the user in this manner are internally treated as double precision floating point variables.

Some programs (mostly those involving zonal matrices) may allow the use of INCLUDE and EXCLUDE keywords on the COMP statement. When the statement contains either, or both, of these keywords, it means that the statement will be subjected to a zonal filter before being processed. The zonal filter will refer to either I (origin zone) or J (destination zone); the program definition will clarify which. If an INCLUDE is present, the zone number will be checked against the zones in the INCLUDE list. If it fails the INCLUDE list specifications, the statement is bypassed. Then, if there is an EXCLUDE, the zone is checked with the EXCLUDE list. If it meets the EXCLUDE list specifications, the statement is bypassed.


A CONSOLE statement is used to set certain switches relative to dynamic display of messages in the message area of the window.

  • CONSOLE ONLINE=Y - Causes all subsequent text written to the standard print media to also be written to the console.

  • CONSOLE ONLINE=N - Turns off the ONLINE=Y switch

  • CONSOLE MESSAGE=text - Causes text to be written to the console.


FILEI tells the program which input files to process. In most cases, if there is no FILEI statement, the program will assume a default statement, or simulate certain required defaults. Typical keywords on a FILEI statement are NETI, MATI, and ZDATI. When the program accepts FILEI vectored keywords, such as MATI in various programs, the keyword may contain [i]. If [i] is not specified, [1] is assumed. Most times the statement may begin with the keyword itself, thus eliminating the need to code FILEI. The exact format of the FILEI statement will vary between programs.

FILEI MATI=?01.mat, ?02.mat, ?03.mat,
MATI[1]=?01.mat, MATI[2]=?02.mat, MATI[3]=?03.mat NETI=??.mat
; this would be the same as the above FILEI statement.

Some FILEI keywords may allow sublevel keywords that are associated with the file keyword. In some programs, all FILEI statements must be in the beginning of the control stream, because later control statements may reference variables that are to come directly from the files. The documentation for each program will indicate where the FILEI statements are valid. Generally, programs delay opening FILEI files until absolutely necessary, but it is wise to form the habit of placing all FILEI statements first in the control stream.

Hint: It is relatively easy to miscode FILEI statements by either omitting or including line delimiters. For example:

FILEI MATI[1]=...   ; this is single FILEI statement
MATI[2]=...         ; this is a single FILEI statement
MATI[5]=...,        ; this is a FILEI statement with continuation
Abc=def             ; but this is probably an invalid FILEI continuation

Note: Application Editor automatically writes all FILEI statements to the script file when you define input file boxes. If you use Application Editor, do not manually edit the file path or file name elements of the FILEI statements, as both the script file and the application’s .app file stores this information. Editing the file path or file name will result in a mismatch between the file that the script uses when it runs and the file Application Editor opens when you double-click an input file box. (See Application Editor, in the CUBE Base Reference Guide.)


FILEO is the counterpart to FILEI; it names the output files that the program writes. If there is no FILEO statement, some programs will generate an appropriate statement. The exact format of the FILEO statement varies between programs.

Note: Application Editor automatically writes all FILEO statements to the script file when you define content for output file boxes. If you use Application Editor, do not manually edit the file path or file name elements of the FILEO statements, as both the script file and the application’s .app file stores this information. Editing the file path or file name will result in a mismatch between the file the script writes during runs and the file Application Editor opens when you double-click an output file box. (See Application Editor, in the CUBE Base Reference Guide.)


Alters the size of a page on the standard print media. Keywords include:

The keywords are trigger keywords; you need not specify "GLOBAL".

GLOBAL keywords

PAGEHEIGHT - |KI| - Resets the maximum number of lines on a page, so that the system knows when to start a new page with appropriate headers. The value must be in the range 10- 32767. Hint: If the print file is going to be viewed primarily on-line (instead of actually being printed), it is suggested that PAGEHEIGHT be set to a large number to reduce the number of interspersed page headers. The PAGExxxx values can also be set when CUBE Voyager is initially launched from its menu.

PAGEWIDTH - |KI| - Resets the maximum number of characters to be printed on a single line. Usually this value is either 80 or 132 to accommodate most character printers. It only comes into play when certain reporting processes need to know the width of a print line, so it can form the report properly. The value must be in the range 50-250.

If these parameters are specified, they remain in effect through subsequent programs until revised.

Example ––––

PAGEHEIGHT=32767 ; preclude insertion of page headers


An ID statement is used to revise the page headings for each printed page. The length of the ID text will be truncated to 60 characters. The ID is specified as: ID=newid string. The ID is revised in one of two ways: with the ID statement, and (in some programs) by a COMP ID=text expression. ID statements in CUBE Voyager Pilot program are dynamic; they cause the ID to be revised when the statement is processed in the CUBE Voyager operations stack. ID statements in the application programs cause the ID to be revised only when the statement is encountered in the statement reading and editing phase prior to actual program execution. This can cause the sign-on ID to be revised at a time different than what might be expected. Because of this situation, it is suggested that ID statements be used before a RUN statement. That way, the sign-on page for the application program will contain the desired ID.

Example of improper ID location ––––––––––––––––

ID=this is the MATRIX ID
ID=this is the HIGHWAY ID

In this situation, the first page (sign-on) for the Matrix application will not contain the "this is the MATRIX ID" as its header, but the first page of the Highway section would contain it. If the RUN and ID statements were reversed, the sign-on IDs would be correct.

When ID is specified as the destination in a COMP statement, the ID can be computed, and it is revised at that time (but will not be reflected in the headers until a new page is required). In the COMP statement, parts of the ID can be computed. This would most likely be used in a CUBE Voyager loop situation:

Example of computing the ID ––––––––––––––

COMP ID='This is Pass'+str(PASS,2,0)

Example –––––

ID=This is the new Page Header


IF statements control the flow of user defined operations for those programs that provide for them. IF is followed by a selection expression enclosed within (…). The expression is evaluated and will result in a true or false condition. For each IF statement, there must be a matching ENDIF later in the input stream. Between the IF and its matching ENDIF, optionally, there may be any number of ELSEIF statements, and one ELSE statement. The ELSEIF statement has the same format as the IF statement. Program flow is determined by the results of the condition evaluations of the IF and ELSEIF statements, and the ELSE statement. Flow is outlined as:

  • IF/ELSEIF expression is true – The statements following the statement are executed until an ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF is encountered. The next statement executed is the one following the associated ENDIF statement.

  • IF/ELSEIF expression is false – The next statement to be executed is the next associated ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statement.

Example –––-

IF (I<0)
ELSEIF ( I>=0 & I<5 )

For varying values of I, the statements would be executed as:

  • -1 - S1

  • 3 - S2

  • 9 - S3

  • >9 - S4

If, in the example, there was no ELSE statement, then any time I is greater than 8, no statements between the IF and the ENDIF statement would be executed.

A variation of the IF statement (sometimes referred to as a simple or short IF) is one in which a single control statement is appended after the IF expression. In such cases, the program automatically generates the required ENDIF. This shortcut statement is provided to help reduce the amount of coding required. Note: if a short IF is used and the statement appended to the statement is not acceptable in that context or is mis-structured, the error diagnostic stated about the line may be somewhat confusing. This is because the system can not always fully ascertain exactly what the problem is. It is diagnosing an IF statement, but the appended statement has errors, so it doesn’t know exactly where to place the blame because it is diagnosing the IF statement at the time. Note that there is no corresponding short ELSEIF statement and no control statements may directly follow ELSEIF or ELSE or ENDIF statements on the same line or they will be ignored by the processor.

IF ( i == 1) counter=0
IF ( i == zones) print ...
IF (j==3 & k==5) k=3    ; This statement will be OK, ENDIF generated
     cnter = cnter + 1  ; and this is OK
ENDIF                   ; This will fail, because there is no associated IF
IF (j==3 & k==5) k=3,   ; This statement will be OK
    cnter = cnter + 1   ; and this will continue it
; Generated the ENDIF here
ENDIF                   ; So, this will be an error


Writes values to the log file. Keywords include:

CUBE Voyager maintains a file called the log file; it has a filename with an extension of .VAR. Whenever a RUN statement is encountered, CUBE Voyager updates the values in the .VAR file with the values for all the variables that CUBE Voyager is maintaining plus the values that were logged by any programs. If a program is requested to LOG any values, the program appends values to the .VAR file, and CUBE Voyager retrieves the values when the program terminates.

The values in the .VAR file can be accessed in two different ways: 1.) in CUBE Voyager, the variable can be accessed directly; 2.) in other programs, the values can be retrieved by the use of the @…@ token process. In the latter case, the value from the .VAR is substituted directly into the control statement as it is read. A LOG statement is used to have a program write values to the .VAR file. The variables in the .VAR file can be retrieved by other CUBE Voyager programs (including the Pilot program) in the same job. Examples may help to clarify this process.

RUN PGM=MATRIX      ; (CUBE Voyager tests the value from MATRIX):
    MW [1] = 1
    TOTMW1 = TOTMW1 + ROWSUM (1)
IF (MATRIX.TOTMW1 == 0) ABORT MSG='Nothing in MW1'
RUN PGM=HIGHWAY     ; (HIGHWAY obtains a value from MATRIX):

The records that are written to the file are written as PREFIX.VAR=value. The current version of CUBE Voyager truncates .VAR string values with embedded or trailing spaces at the first space when it reads the values. This is scheduled for revision in a subsequent release of the system.

PREFIX - |S| - Sets the prefix of the logged variable(s). This string is added to the start of the names of all variables that follow PREFIX. If PREFIX is not specified, the program name will be used. This could be confusing if different applications of the same program log the same values.

VAR - |S| - Indicates which variables will have their values written to the .VAR file.

Example ––––

LOG  VAR=GRANDTOTAL  ; will be written as MATRIX1.GRANDTOTAL=#####


A LOOKUP statement is used to define a lookup function and to enter data for the function. Keywords and subkeywords include:

The statements are not dynamic; they are processed at the appropriate time by the program, prior to their actual use. Lookup functions are referenced from within numerical expressions. When the function is referenced in an expression, the correct number of arguments enclosed within parenthesis must follow it. The function returns a single value to the expression solver. A lookup array is allocated and initialized with the data referenced by the LOOKUPI, FILE or R keywords. In most cases, a lookup statement will define a single set of lookup data, but if a LOOKUP subkeyword follows the NAME, the function will be defined as one that requires at least two arguments (curve number and the value to be searched for). This latter format is useful for entering friction factors for use in the Distribution program. Data referenced by LOOKUPI or FILE keywords can be either in DBF, MDB, or delimited ASCII format.

A new wizard feature has been added to CUBE to automate the coding of a LOOKUP function when linking a DBF file to a LOOKUPI file box in Application Editor. See "Job Script Editor Window," in the CUBE Base Reference Guide for information about this wizard.

The following lists the Keyword, Subkeyword, Type and Description:

LOOKUP keywords

  • FAIL - |RV3| - Defines the results to be returned by the function if the lookup value is not contained within the data.

    By default, if the value is less than the lowest value in the table, the result for the lowest value in the table is returned, unless FAIL[1] is explicitly specified. If the value is greater than the highest value in the table, the result for the highest value in the table is returned, unless FAIL[2] is specified. If the value is not found within the data, FAIL[3] (default value is 0) is returned. If a call to the function has more arguments than is required, the argument following the required arguments is the value that will be returned if the lookup fails for any reason. Note that versions prior to 1.5.5 did not return the extreme results of the data for low and high failure; they returned FAIL[1] and FAIL[2], respectively. If FAIL[1-2] were not specified, they were set to 0.

  • FILE - |F| - Name of the file that contains the data to be associated with the function. This keyword must be specified, unless R or LOOKUPI is specified. FILE, R, and LOOKUPI are mutually exclusive.

  • INTERPOLATE - |?| - Indicates if the returned function value is to be the result of interpolating between rows in the lookup table. The default value is false, meaning that there must be a direct match in the table.

  • LIST - |?| - Indicates if the program is to format and list the lookup table.

  • LOOKUPI - |I| - The # of the FILEI LOOKUPI[#] file where this LOOKUP statement is to obtain values. Note that FILE, LOOKUPI and R are mutually exclusive. The data formats supported for LOOKUPI= and FILE= when referencing data from an external file are ASCII and DBF. ASCII data MUST be delimited with either spaces or commas.

  • NAME - |S| - Name of the lookup function that the statement defines.

  • NAME - LOOKUP - |S| - Used when data for one, or more, curves is to be obtained from a single data record. The LOOKUP keyword must be indexed [1-n], and its value must be followed by RESULT=value. The values provided for the LOOKUP and RESULT keywords are either the field numbers in the input data (ASCII, DBF, or MDB data) or the field names when the input data is in DBF or MDB format. The LOOKUP index indicates the curve number and the LOOKUP value indicates which column or field in the input data file holds the lookup values for the indexed curve. The value following the RESULT keyword indicates the field number or name on the data record where the return value for the curve on the LOOKUP index is to be found. The use of the LOOKUP keyword implies that the call to the lookup function must contain at least two arguments (a curve number, and a value to be searched for). For example on the LOOKUP statement with NAME=FUNC1, LOOKUP[1]=1 RESULT=2, a call to this function like X=FUNC1(1,5) implies for curve 1 (first argument in the function call), lookup a value of 5 (second argument of the function call) in the data field defined by the LOOKUP value (the first field in this example) and return the value from the field in the data file defined by the RESULT value (the second field in this example). The returned value from the function would be placed in the variable X.

  • NAME - RESULT - |S| - Field number or name of the field from the data record that contains the result to be returned when the function is called.

  • NEAREST - |?| - Specifies that the function should return a value based on the nearest value found in the table to the lookup value when an exact match cannot be found.

  • R - |SV| - Used in place of the FILE or LOOKUPI keywords to enter data records for the function. If R is specified, FILE or LOOKUPI may not be specified. FILE, LOOKUPI and R are mutually exclusive. Any number of R records can be entered. The string values following R represent data records that are in the same format as the FILE records would be. Each R value must be enclosed within single quote marks ‘…’. A single R= may specify the entire file, or multiple R= records may be entered. See Example: Double value function – Typical friction factor curves for an example showing the use of LOOKUP to define friction factor curves for the usage of R= to read data directly from the body of the script file.

  • SETUPPER - |?| - Specifies that the function is to simulate an upper limit for a lookup row when only a single value is entered for the row. This option is useful when the data is input with single values, and the function can not find an exact match, and it is to return a value based upon the lower of two ranges. For example, a curve is entered with single values that begin at 1 and increment through 10 by 1. A lookup for 1.5 would fail. If INTERPOLATE were rue, the return value would be computed, otherwise the return would be error. In such cases, if SETUPPER were true, the result for 1 would be returned. SETUPPER takes precedence over INTERPOLATE, and only comes into play for rows without both limits explicitly provided.

  • SIZE - |I| - Optional variable that specifies the total number of entries in a LOOKUP array. The value should be the number of resulting values to be searched for multiplied by the number of records. As of v4.1 of CUBE Voyager and TP+ systems, this keyword is no longer required as the memory allocation process is now automated to optimize within the resources of the computer it is using. However, it is maintained to insure backward compatibility with previous versions of the software. |

  • TOLERANCE - |R| - Specifies a tolerance to be applied to the lookup value. This can be useful when the lookup value is the result of a computation and due to processor differences there may be differences in the level of precision associated with the result.

Lookup functions are referenced in numerical and selection expressions. When a function is referenced, it is supplied a lookup argument within parenthesis, and the function returns a value for the argument. The returned value is obtained by searching the lookup function data table for the lookup argument. The table is composed of rows of data.

If the LOOKUP subkeyword is in effect, the call to the function requires at least two arguments: the lookup curve number and the lookup argument. Otherwise, the function requires only one argument: the lookup argument. If the function can not find a match for the lookup curve number, FAIL[3] is returned, regardless of the value of INTERPOLATE. If the argument is less than the lowest value for the lookup number the return value is set to FAIL**[1]. If the argument is higher than the highest value, the return value is set to **FAIL**[2]. If the value is not found in any range, the return value is set to **FAIL**[3] unless **INTERPOLATE is set to true. If interpolation is used, the return value is the result of interpolating between the high limit of the lower row and the low limit of the upper row.

For either a single or double value function (functional call with 1 or 2 arguments) and additional argument value can be provided. If this optional argument is provided ANY failure will not return the FAIL value defined by the FAIL keyword or its default values but the value for this optional argument will be the returned value on any failure. This in effect gives you the ability to override the default FAIL values for specific situations.

Possible data records include:

  • Data records when LOOKUP subkeyword is NOT used and data source is ASCII:

    Each data record must have at least two fields delimited by white space, or commas or may be separate fields on a DBF file. The first field on a record is the lookup result, and the fields following it are the lookup values. If two numbers are separated by a dash, they form the low and high limits of a row. Numbers not separated by dashes are entered as both the low and high limits of a row. Ranges may not overlap, but the upper limit of a row may be equal to the lower limit of the next row. If the argument matches a high limit of a row and the low limit of the next row, the result is obtained from the upper row. (For example, first row limits=1-2, second row limits =2-3. The result for 2 would be obtained from the second row.)

  • Data records when LOOKUP subkeyword is not used and data source is DBF or MDB:

    Only the first two fields on the DBF or MDB lookup file will be used. The first field is the lookup result and the second field is the lookup value. The first two fields should be numeric fields but character fields are ok as long as the content can be converted to numerics, otherwise the program will report a lookup input error.

  • Data records when LOOKUP subkeyword is used:

    Each data record may have any number of fields delimited by white space, or commas or may be separate fields on a DBF or MDB file. The data for each LOOKUP is obtained from the record according to the field numbers or names specified for the LOOKUP and RESULT keywords. If either field number exceeds the number of fields on the record, there is no row generated for that curve. If both fields exist, they form a row with the low and high limits equal to the value from the LOOKUP field.

When the lookup format designates multiple curves, special consideration is given to blank fields. Blank fields are not treated as zeroes, but indicate there is no data point. For example, assume the following records:

T, v1, v2, v3
1, 101, 201, 301
2, 102, 202, 302
3, 103, , 303
4, 104, 204
5, , , 305

There will be no data points for T=3,V2, T=4,V3, T=5,V1, and T=5,V2. The V1 curve will have points for T=1-4, the V2 curve will have points for T=1-2,4, and V3 will have points for T=1-3, 5. The result for a lookup of T=3 in V2, will depend upon the options of the LOOKUP statement (SETUPPER, INTERPOLATE, or none).

Be aware that this situation exists only for comma delimited and dbf data; space delimited records don’t have any way to designate null fields; the first empty field indicates the end of the record, and no more points appear on the record. With space delimited records, the T=3 record would appear as "3 103 303", which would be interpreted as points for V1 and V2; V3 would be blank.

Example: Single value function

COPY FILE=C:\LOOK1.DAT ; this is the data for the function
1    2 3 4-8 23
15   50
2    1
3    9-10

The lookup table will be represented as:

Lower Limit Upper Limit Result Value
1 1 2
2 2 1
3 3 1
4 8 1
9 10 3
23 23 1
50 50 15

DISTRICTS(6) results in the value 1.

DISTRICTS(9) results in 3.

DISTRICTS(50) results in 15.

Example: Single value function using LOOKUPI


Example: Double value function – Typical friction factor curves

The traditional format for friction factors has been one in which the first field on an input data record is the time value, and the subsequent fields are the factors for the various purposes that are being distributed. This example illustrates that typical process. Because the CUBE Voyager distribution process is generic, it is possible to have times that are below the minimum time and greater than the highest time. The normal (default) process would return a 0 for those values (from the FAIL values), but that may not be what is expected. In most situations, users may wish to have values for times that extend beyond the limits of the values entered.

For example: a table might have factors for times from 1 through 100, but there are zone-to-zone times that are greater than 100 minutes. The time matrix might also have very large values, or possibly zero, for zone-to-zone movements for which there is no path (inaccessible). Thus, if a time of 110 is encountered, the friction factor obtained from the lookup would be the FAIL[2] value; this may not be what was wanted. A similar situation would occur if the time were less than 1, but greater than 0. To circumvent these potential problems, be sure to include a record for a very low time value (say 0.01), and a record for the highest time value that you feel is reasonable. The factors of the two first records should be the same, and the factors for the last records should also be the same.

The lookup values can be set so that only trips within a certain item range can be distributed. The limits of the curve would control this operation; a friction value of 0 will preclude distribution between the zones.

LOOKUP   NAME=FF,                ; typical Friction Factor table
         LOOKUP[1]=1, RESULT=2,  ; Curve 1 lookup value is in field 1
                                 ; Result (FF) for curve 1 is in field 2
         LOOKUP[2]=1, RESULT=3,  ; Curve 2 lookup value is in field 1
                                 ; Result (FF) for curve 2 is in field 3
         LOOKUP[3]=1, RESULT=4,  ; Curve 3 lookup value is in field 1
                                 ; Result (FF) for curve 3 is in field 4
         FAIL=2000,1,0,          ; return 2000 if any lookup < 0.01
                                 ; return 1 if any lookup > 120
         INTERPOLATE=Y,          ; interpolate to obtain values
R= '0.01 1200  1000  800',
   '1    1200  1000  800',
   '3     300   500',
   '4     100   100  100',
   '5      50',
   '120    50   100  100'
FFX = FF(1,3)                    ; RESULT = 300
FFX = FF(3,150,888)              ; RESULT = 888 since 150 > highest value
in field 1
FFX = FF(2,2)                    ; RESULT = 750
/* to find 2 in field 1, you must interpolate between 1 and 3
   then interpolate on same basis between 1000 and 500 in field 3

The lookup table will be represented as:

Curve # Lower Limit Upper Limit Result Value
1 0.01 0.01 1200
1 1 1 1200
1 3 3 300
1 4 4 100
1 5 5 50
1 120 120 50
2 0.01 0.01 1000
2 1 1 1000
2 3 3 500
2 4 4 100
2 120 120 100
3 0.01 0.01 800
3 1 1 800
3 4 4 100
3 120 120 100

Example: Double value function – LOOKUP with DBF LOOKUPI file

LOOKUP LOOKUPI=1, ;references the input DBF file
NAME=TAZ, ;name for this function
LOOKUP[1]=TAZ, RESULT=ACRES, ;lookup a value in TAZ return
;a the value from ACRES
; example of use: v=TAZ(10,25)
; look for 25 in the TAZ field and returns the OTH_JOBS value

Example: Double value function – Using LOOKUP to get constants and populate internal arrays with the values

FILEI LOOKUPI[1] = "C:\MTA_GEN\CFACS.DAT" ;cc = county code (1=LA,2=OR,3=RV,4=SB,5=VN)
; lookup county correction factors O&D Survey
; dimension user arrays to 5
array c0=5 cv=5 c2=5
; fill arrays for factors by county
LOOP cc=1,5
/* ;external LOOKUPI file in this example
1 3.4108 3.4137 3.7070 3.4132 3.2278
2 0.6088 0.6767 0.6505 0.6389 0.6759
3 0.5665 0.6518 0.5778 0.5757 0.6642

Example: Double value function – Using LOOKUP with DBF data in a trip Distribution application

      MO=1-4, NAME='Home_Based','NonHome_Based','School','EI_Trips'
; Set a maximum number of iterations and convergence criterion
; Link the input production and attraction values to internal variables
SETPA   P[1]=ZI.1.P1,  A[1]=ZI.1.A1,
        P[2]=ZI.1.P2,  A[2]=ZI.1.A2,
        P[3]=ZI.1.P3,  A[3]=ZI.1.A3,
        P[4]=ZI.1.P4,  A[4]=ZI.1.A4
; Put the travel time matrix into a working matrix for distribution
; Put the friction factors into a LOOKUP for distribution
; Distribute trips using a standard gravity model formulation

Where the FRICTIONFACTOR.DBF file contains:


Formats data items and writes them as a single line to the standard printed output, a file, or both. Keywords and subkeywords include:

The size limit of a single data item (or print field) written a PRINT statement is 50,000 characters. This facilitates transferring large amounts of data between files, for example. Certain print modes, however, restrict the field width – see Defining a numeric print format, and Defining a character print format.

The program prints one line for each PRINT statement. The length of the printed line is determined by the formatting of each listed item.

PRINT keywords

  • CFORM - |S| - Optional. Default format for subsequently appearing character strings, except for literal values, specified with the LIST keyword. Explicit formats defined for particular items take precedence. This default format is effective until the program reads the next CFORM value. See Defining a character print format. Default value is 0.

  • CSV - |?| - Optional. Flag indicating whether to print the output file in CSV format (with commas between the LIST items). Possible values:
    • T - Print in CSV format, with commas between each LIST item

    • F - Do not print in CSV format

    Default value is F.

  • FILE - |F| - Optional. File where the program writes the formatted list.

    If not specified, the program writes the standard printed output file. If specified, the program writes only to the specified file unless subkeyword PRINT is set to T.

    The program writes each formatted list to one record. Thus, the end-of-file character is at the end of the last record. You might need to add a "\n" to the end of the file if you concatenate the file with another file.

  • FILE - APPEND - |?| - Optional. Flag indicating whether to overwrite or append to the specified file. Possible values:
    • T – Append the formatted list to the specified file.

    • F – Overwrite the existing file when writing the formatted list.

    Note: If set to T for a file at least once in a step, then all PRINT statements executed at that step will append to that file, even if other statements set APPEND to F.

    Default value is F.

  • FILE - PRINT - |?| - Optional. Flag indicating whether to write record to standard printed output in addition to specified file. Possible values:
    • T – Write the record to the standard printed output in addition to the specified file

    • F – Only write the record to the specified file

    Default value is F.

  • FILE - REWIND - |?| - Optional. Flag indicating whether the program repositions to the start of the file before writing contents. Possible values:
    • T – Reposition to start of file before writing formatted list. Program overwrites previous contents.

    • F – Write to the current position in the file.

    REWIND is dynamic; therefore, you can control the rewinding on each PRINT statement.

    Default value is F.

  • FORM - |S| - Optional. Default format for subsequently appearing numbers specified with the LIST keyword. Explicit formats defined for particular items take precedence. This default format is effective until the program reads the next FORM value. See Defining a numeric print format

    Default value is 10.2.

  • LIST - |KS| - Optional. List of items (variables, strings, and expressions) to format and write to a printed line. Enclose expressions in parentheses. Specify no more than 500 items.

    To assign an explicit format to a particular item in the list, place the format in parentheses next to the item. The format only applies to that item. See Defining a numeric print format and Defining a character print format.

    For example:

    I, J, ITEM1(6), 'abcde', (sqrt(4))(8C), 'i='(8R), I(L).

    Append appropriate subscripts to any array and matrix variables in the list. If you do not specify a subscript, the program will supply one, depending on the variable, program, and phase. Subscripts may be constants, variables, or valid expressions. For example: P[i*3-1].

    Note: MW[n] normally implies MW[n][J], where J is the current value of J.

    The PRINT statement recognizes four special character strings as special control characters:
    • "\n" – new line control

    • "\f" – new page control

    • "\t" – tab control

    • "\" – ignore new line control

    For example, a literal string may contain the newline character string ("\n" ; lowercase), to generate a new line at that location (the \n will not be printed).

    As long as a PRINT statement has at least one LIST item, the program automatically inserts a newline character prior to the first item. You can override the automatic newline character by making the first LIST item a literal string that begins with the "\" characters. The \ will not be printed, and the printing will continue from the current line position.

    Note: Because special characters are treated as these special controls, problems can arise when printing strings for a system path due to the "\" character. For example, upon reading LIST="C:\n2020\output\" the program would treat the embedded \n as the newline control and insert a new line at the location. Because the special control is case sensitive and directory folder names are not, you can avoid this issue by using LIST="C:\N2020\output".

    In some cases, you might prefer to form character variables using the string functions of a COMP character expression and include those variables in the list. The string functions might provide some flexibility that is better suited to the specific task.

  • PRINTO - |I| - Optional. Index number of the FILEO PRINTO file where the program writes this output. Setting the Index to 0 will send the output to the "User Progress Messages" box in Task Monitor.

  • PRINTO - PRINT- |?| - Optional. Flag that indicates whether to write record to standard printed output in addition to specified PRINTO file. Possible values:
    • T – Write the record to the standard printed output in addition to the specified file.

    • F – Only write the record to the specified file

    Default value is F.

  • PRINTO - REWIND - |?| - Optional. Flag indicating whether the program repositions to the start of the file before writing contents. Possible values:
    • T – Reposition to start of file before writing formatted list. Program overwrites previous contents.

    • F – Write to the current position in the file.

    REWIND is dynamic; therefore, you can control the rewinding on each PRINT statement.

    Default value is F.


  • Report a mixture of numeric and character variables.

    PRINT FORM=0 LIST=I,  J, TOTAL(6.2CS)  'ABCDE'(6.3),
          LIST=N, JLOOP_J;
  • Use LIST keyword without the control statement name.

    LIST= I(6) J(6) TOTAL1, TOTAL2, TOTAL3
  • Output to file and rewind file at the end.

  • Interpret sqrt(6) as a variable "sqrt" with form=6

    PRINT FORM=LRS LIST= 'I =',  I,  ' J=',  J,  '
    MW[1]=',  MW[1][1],  MW[1][2], MW[1][3],
              time+dist/sqrt(xyz), (sqrt(6))
  • Output directly to CSV format

    FILEO PRINTO[1]=c:\data\mydata.csv
    PRINT CSV=T LIST=I(6.0L),J(6.0L),MW[1](8.4L),MW[2](8.4L),MW[3](5.2L)

Defining a numeric print format

You can specify numeric print formats with the FORM keyword or the LIST keyword. For either keyword, you code numeric print formats as:



  • w – Total field width. Maximum value is 30. If you specify a value greater than 30, the program uses a width of 30.

  • d – Number of digits printed after the decimal point. The program sets d to 0 if the format begins with w and you do not specify d. Maximum value is 15. If you specify a value greater than 15, the program uses 15 digits after the decimal point.

  • B – Display zero-value numbers as blanks. B overrides D, if both are coded.

  • C – Insert commas into numbers.

  • D – Display zero-value numbers as a pair of right-justified dashes.

  • E – Display numbers in scientific format. Field width must be at least 9, otherwise the program resets the format to the default value 10.2. The smallest format is 9.1E, which prints as +1.2E+123. If you set d to 0, the program uses the maximum decimal (w-8). If there are more post-decimal digits than this maximum value, then the program reduces the post-decimal digits to w-8. You may specify B or D along with E; the program ignores other format codes when you specify E.

  • L – Trim numbers on the left and print the result beginning with the left-most digit. The result will be left justified and only as long as required.

  • R – Replace a number’s trailing 0s (right side of decimal point) with spaces. The program replaces zeros after normal formatting and removes decimal point if there is no trailing 0.

  • S – Insert a space before the digits of any numbers formatted with L.

  • T – Truncate numbers on the left if they cannot fit the field width. Normally, the program formats such numbers with all asterisks.

All characters are optional. The BCDELRST characters (case insensitive) may be in any order, but must follow w.d, if w and d are specified. The program ignores characters other than B and D specified with E. Bentley recommends that you use a varying length format unless you must align reported values. The program attempts to accommodate fixed formats: When values do not fit the specified field width, the program drops commas, and then reduces the number of decimal places; finally, the program reformats with scientific notation (1E+ppp), if possible, otherwise the program truncates.

If printing an unknown range of values, specify a width adequate to accommodate all possible ranges. For delimited output, FORM=16.4LRS is probably adequate. When printing fixed fields, do not specify L, R, and S.

Defining a character print format

You can specify character print formats with the CFORM keyword or the LIST keyword. For either keyword, you code character print formats as:



  • w – Total field width. Set to 0 to indicate that the field width depends on the string length. Specify w anywhere in the format string; any number not preceded by a period specifies w. If a format string specifies multiple w values, the program uses the last value.


If the format specifies L, w must be wide enough to accommodate the string.

  • d – Number of leading spaces printed (or dashes, if D specified). Specify d anywhere in the format string; any digit preceded by a period specifies d. If a format string specifies multiple d values, the program uses the last value. Valid values range from 0 through 15. The default value is 0.

  • C – Center-justify text item. Program applies T first. C overrides L or R.

  • D – Print dashes (-) in the d characters preceding the field.

  • B – Replace blanks with underscore characters (_).

  • T – Trim leading or trailing spaces from text item. If L is specified, delete leading spaces. If R is specified, delete trailing spaces. If both L and R are specified, delete leading and trailing spaces and center-justify text item.

  • L –Left-justify text item.

  • R – Right-justify text item (truncating beginning characters if length exceeds field width).

All characters are optional. The CDBTLR characters (case insensitive) may be in any order. Bentley recommends using a varying length format unless you must align reported values. The program attempts to accommodate fixed formats. When text does not fit the specified field width, the program truncates.


Formats and prints all cells or selected cells of a matrix row to the main print file. Keywords include:

Row formatting can be quite voluminous; use this statement judiciously.

None of the PRINTROW keywords are "trigger" keys. You must code all on a PRINTROW statement.

  • BASE1 - |?| - Optional. Flag indicating row format when using non-varying print format (that is, FORM does not contain L). Possible values:
    • T – Begin every printed line with a zone number ending in 1.

    • F – Begin each printed line with appropriate zone number based on FORM and page width.

    MAXPERLINE takes precedence over BASE1: if MAXPERLINE is specified and is not modular ten, BASE1 has no effect.

    For example:

  • FORM - |S| - Optional. Default format for row values. See "Defining a numeric print format".

    Default value is 20.5LRD

    The default value (20.5LRD) provides efficient reporting while maintaining precision. (The L in the format value triggers varying-formatted numbers separated by a single space.) Three spaces precede zone values ending in 1, providing one distinction. For printing traditional integer boxes, set FORM to 7D.

    See also "PRINT".

  • J - |P| - Optional. List of zone numbers formatted for printing. Program sets excluded zones (those not listed) to zero.

    Specify the list as a set of single numbers or dash-separated pairs of numbers that give a range. Delimit each number or pair with a comma.

    For example J=1,3-5,10,12-20 selects zones 1,3 through 5, 10, and 12 through 20 for printing.

    Valid values range from 1 to the number of zones. Default value is all zones.

  • MAXPERLINE - |I| - Optional. Maximum number of columns printed on a line.

    By default, program allows any number of values to be printed on a line, provided line length does not exceed the standard page width. If MAXPERLINE is specified, program ignores page width.

  • MW - |IP| - Optional. List of work matrices to print. Program prints matrices in ascending order, regardless of specified order.

    Specify the list as a set of single numbers or dash-separated pairs of numbers that give a range. Delimit each number or pair with a comma.

    For example MW=1,3-10,13 selects work matrices 1,3 through 10, and 13 for printing.

    Default value is no work matrices.

  • TITLE - |S| - Optional. Title printed at the beginning of each MW. The program truncates titles longer than fourteen characters.

    Enclose the value within quotes ('…') or literal marks ("…").

    You may specify only one title per PRINTROW statement, even if printing multiple MWs.

    By default, the program prints no title.

For neat-appearing reports, Bentley suggests specifying FORM without the LD, setting BASE1 to true, and setting MAXPERLINE to some integral of 10.


PRINTROW mw=1-2,8 form=LRD title='form=LRD'
PRINTROW mw=1-21 form=6D base1=y maxperline=10


Switches reading of control statements to a different file. Keywords include:

The format is:


  • FILE - File to be read. When the end of file is encountered on that file, reading of control statements will continue with the statement following this READ statement.

  • newstring - Character string that will replace oldstring in the records in FILE that contain oldstring. newstring is case sensitive; it will be replaced directly.

  • oldstring - Character string (not case sensitive) that is to be replaced by newstring. As each record is read from the file, it is scanned to see if oldstring exists in it. If it does, the string is replaced with newstring, and the scan is continued. If either oldstring or newstring contains any special characters it must be enclosed with ‘…’. It is suggested that strings always be enclosed within '…', but it is not mandatory.

READ statements can be nested up to five levels. A nested READ may not point to a file that is already in the nest. There is no specific limit to the length and number of replacement strings. The replacement process is designed to not allow a replacement string to replace an earlier replacement. Replacements are done in the left to right order as specified in the READ statement.

READ statement is processed differently, depending on, if it is used in a PILOT script or as part of a Voyager program, such as MATRIX. When the READ statement is used in a PILOT script, Voyager checks for the existence of the READ file, before starting the run. If the file did not exist Voyager will fail. Any variables declared within the file will be set before the start of the run. When READ statement is inside other programs such as MATRIX, HIGHWAY, etc., the READ files are checked and the statements inside the files are READ only during the run.




Sorts an array, or series of arrays. Keywords include:

The format is:

SORT ARRAY=name, name,... NUMRECS=x
  • ARRAY - |S| - Names of the arrays to be sorted. All names must be declared in an ARRAY statement or as a DBI AUTOARRAY name. A name may be preceded by a "+" or "-" sign to indicate the order of sort to be applied for that array (within the series of arrays). If a leading + sign is used, the sign and name must be enclosed within quotes (for example, ‘+myarray’). A "+" means ascending, and a “-” means descending. If there is no sign for the first name, ascending is assumed. Signs need not be specified, but if they are, a signed array may not follow an array without a sign. Unsigned arrays are carried along in parallel with the sorted records. All the arrays in a SORT statement must be declared with the same size.

    For example, if one wanted to see a sorted listing of the number of households per zone, two arrays would be required: ZONENO and HH. The SORT statement would be SORT ARRAY=-HH,ZONENO. This would sort the HH array in a descending order and keep the ZONENO array records parallel to it.

  • NUMRECS - |S| - Specifies the number of records to sort; it may be either the name of a variable, or an integer number. It may not exceed the length of the arrays.

Example 1

  ; Sort on ascending values in A, carry B & C along with A
  ; same as above, but sort order for A is descending
  ; sort on descending on A, ascending B, descending C
  ; ***  ERROR ***  signed name (+C) follows unsigned (B)

Example 2 (Matrix, Fratar, Distribution, Generation)

HH[I] = ZI.1.HH[I]
LIST=' Zone Income HHs'

Example 3 (Network)

ARRAY AN=LINKS, BN=LINKS, VMT=LINKS ; NETI must be a binary network
  _L = _L + 1
  AN[_L] = A
  BN[_L] = B
  VMT[_L] = V_1 * DISTANCE
/* note:
The User has to keep count of the records entered into the arrays
If links are deleted, the number of entries will be less than the
original number of links.
  LOOP _K=1,30 ; only want to see the highest 30